One of the biggest differences in people is their level of enthusiasm.your enthusiasm reflects your reserves,your unexploited resources and perhaps your future.You will never rise to great heights without joy and enthusiasm."No one keeps up his enthusiasm automatically"(Papyrus).Enthusiasm must be nourished with new actions,new aspirations,new efforts and new vision.It's your own fault if your enthusiasm is gone.You have failed to feed it.Whats's enthusiasm?Henry Chester answers,"Enthusiasm is nothing more or less than faith in action."Helen Keller said,"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievements." It simply means to be "full of God." Nothing of real importance can be done without hope or confidence in Him.
You can't deliver the goods if your heart is heavier than the load.there is a direct correlation between our passions and our potentials.You could be the light of the world,but no one will know it unless the switch is turned on.Follow what the book of Ecclesiastes says,"What your hand find to do, do it with all your might."I agree with Winston Churchill when he said,"I am an does not seem too much use being anything else."